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SP500 Monthly Return Heatmap [%]


Candlestick Chart

January 2022

Last 25 years - Most frequent returns [%]

The years were sorted into 10 percent intervals:

Last 25 years - Return by year [%]

The years were sorted into 10 percent intervals:

S&P 500 Annual Returns [%]

Since 1 January till 31 December:

Annualized Returns [%]

Return since beginning of each year to the end of 2023:

Value of $100 invested in year [$]

Till end of 2023:

Top companies by market cap as total market cap each year [%]

Outer circle is 1 January 2024, Inner circle is 1 January 2023:

S&P 500 Monthly Returns [%]

Since 1 January till 31 December:

SP500 vs TOP 25 Upside

Yearly Return [%]
